Meet Effie

The #1 Real Estate AI Assistant

Peace of mind and expert advice are now just a message away. Effie, Engine For Frontdoor's Insights and Engagements, is here to answer your questions via a simple text.

How it works

Get your creative financing real estate questions

Step 1

Text Effie to Start

Text (512) 222-3049 to kick things off. Effie is completely free to use, though standard text messaging rates from your wireless carrier may apply.

Step 2

Share Your Name

We ask for your name simply to personalize your experience and keep track of our interactions. Frontdoor values your privacy.

Step 3

Ask Your Questions

Effie is equipped to assist you, one question at a time. And if you ever prefer a human touch, you can always request to speak to a real person.

Text (512) 222-3049 to get started


We know what you're thinking...

Will you sell or share my information?

Absolutely not. We take your privacy seriously. Effie was initially created to train our in-house team at Frontdoor. Recognizing that sellers, agents, and investors often had similar questions to our new team members, we opened Effie up to the public. Rest assured, your questions and personal information are safe and secure with Frontdoor.

Will you try to upsell me?

No, Effie is entirely free to use. While you'll be notified of any updates, you'll also be reminded that our human team is available should you need specialized assistance with a specific listing. There are no hidden fees or upsells.

How is Effie trained?

Effie's knowledge base is carefully curated by the Frontdoor team. She pulls from a broad range of over 100 expert videos, authoritative government websites, and up-to-date articles. When you pose a question, Effie leverages the cutting-edge capabilities of ChatGPT-4 to sift through this information and generate your answer.

Can Effie be wrong?

Yes, like any expert, Effie is not infallible. She strives to provide the most accurate and helpful answers possible, but given the inherent limitations of GPT models, errors can occur. If you have doubts or need further clarification, you're always welcome to contact our team to speak with a real person.


Why you’ll love working with us

Let’s compare the sale
of a $200,000 home.

Traditional Sale

Traditional Sale

Commission & Fees
Closing Costs
We pay all costs
Repair Costs
We pay all costs
Days on Market
62 Days
Immediate Offer
Immediate Offer
Total Savings

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